Neurological diseases affect 1 in 6 people worldwide. And these diseases aren’t going anywhere.
Transforming Human Health
Powerful neuromodulation therapies like deep brain stimulation (DBS) can offer hope, but they require invasive open brain surgery that deters the vast majority of patients.
At NeuroBionics, we are developing a platform technology for the next generation of neuromodulation. The evStim allows delivering targeted stimulation through blood vessels, without the need for open brain surgery, dramatically increasing the accessibility of life-changing DBS therapy.
How does evStim work?
The evStim is a hair-thin device that’s delivered inside a blood vessel in the brain using a procedure that’s similar to a routine stent placement.
Once in place, the evStim delivers precise deep brain stimulation therapy through the vessel wall to the target brain tissue.

THE evAdvantage
Integrates seamlessly with vessels across the body
Made of hemocompatible medical-grade materials
Capable of both recording & stimulating
Tunable Geometry
Adaptable to small and large vessels